viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

No matter how hard life can be, Art always brings happiness.

Arte en La Habana CubaArte en La Habana Cuba

Once I heard that slogan and I felt it was a strong idea. Sometimes people wonder how could cubans resist so many adversities. Then I always have an answer “we bet on art”
I had the chance to make a tour with a very peculiar couple. She was born in Peru and he is a British man. Both of them wanted to know a little about Cuba and I shared the last 3 hours of his holidays in this Island.

Arte en La Habana Cuba

Arte en La Habana Cuba

Arte en La Habana Cuba
This was not a common tour. We visited the wonderful squares, we talked about the arquitecture and History of Havana, but we specially devoted some time to art. That´s  how we entered that singular workshop and met some artists.
Together we admired that amazing painting and finally bought some books from Carilda Oliver Labra, Carpentier, and Daniel Chavarría. I hope Susi and her daughter can enjoy them they I did.

Arte en La Habana Cuba

Arte en La Habana Cuba

Arte en La Habana Cuba

Arte en La Habana Cuba

Arte en La Habana Cuba

Arte en La Habana Cuba
 Art and love are an endless source of inspiration. We Cubans know that. So I hope Susi and her friendly husband Paco, took some inspiration from us.
Curiosa arquitectura habanera

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